Professor Kazuhiro HARADA (Dr.)
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About me
I have been a professor since 2014 in the Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan. Prior to joining the university, I worked as an associate professor in School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo, as a researcher of the Forest Conservation Project in the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in Kanagawa, Japan, I completed my PhD from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the Univeristy of Tokyo, and worked for Biodiversity Conservation Project, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) while carrying out my doctoral research in the Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, Indonesia. I belonged to the Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, Western Austalia, from July 2005 to July 2006 as a visiting fellow. I have other experiences to work for projects of JICA in Indonesia. I am a peer reviewer of an International Journal of Social Forestry and an editorial board of Journal of Forest Research (Springer). I am always welcoming foreign students and visiting scholars from South and Southeast Asian, African countries and developed countries. My majority is forest policy, forest resource management, political ecology in tropical countries.
Research Areas
I have been researching about the local knowledge of forest resources and customary land tenure systems as well as international and national forest policies. My
research investigates sound relationships between local forest management and global forest issues. My research fields are in South-east Asian countries, especially Indonesia.
My current works include management of national parks, participatory forest management, community forestry, forest certification, fairtrade coffee, REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation).
Selected Publications
・Ratan Gurung, Kazuhiro Harada, Nabin Kumar Dahal, Sudha Adhikari, Om Katel (2023) The transition of sokshing (leaf litter forest) property rights and management: A case study of Punakha and Wangdue District, Bhutan. Environmental Challenges. 100767.
・Harada, Wiyono, Munthe, L. (2022) Production and commercialization of benzoin resin: Exploring the value of benzoin resin for local livelihoods in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Trees, Forests and People 7
・Harada, K., Habib, M., Sakata, Y., Maryudi, A. (2022) The role of NGOs in recognition and sustainable maintenance of customary forests within indigenous communities: The case of Kerinci, Indonesia. Land Use Policy 133
・Budiman, I., Fujiwara、T., Harada, K., Sato, N. (2021) Customary
forest managements and its challenges in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia: An implication of constitutional court decision 2012. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 27(2): 69-79.
・Katel, ON., Gurung, DB., Harada, K., Schmidt-Vogt, D. (2021) Watershed Conservation for Ecosystem Services and its Implication for Green Growth Policies in the Context of Global Environmental Change: A Case of Bhutan. In (Eds.) Mukand Mukand Babel, Prof. Dr. Andreas Haarstrick, Lars Ribbe, Victor R. Shinde, Prof. Norbert Dichtl Water Security in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges in the Context of Climate Change. Springer Water Book Series.
・Dahal, DK., Harada, K., Adhikari, S., Ramesh, PS., Kadel, S. (2021) Impact of wildlife on food crops and approaches to reducing human wildlife conflict in the protected landscapes of Eastern Nepal. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. Online first.
・Aiba, S., Harada, K.(2021)Current status, attitude, and issues around preserved tree systems, identified through surveying the operators managing the trees. Journal of Forest Planning. 27: 11-25.
・Liu, G., Feng Y., Xia, M., Lu, H., Guan, R., Harada, K., Zhang, C. (2021) Framework for accounting reference levels for REDD plus in tropical forests: Case study from Xishuangbanna, China. Remote Sensing 13(3).
・Kandel, S., Harada, K., Adhikari, S., Dahal, NK(2020) Ecotourism’s impact on ethnic groups and households near Chitwan National Park, Nepal, Journal of Sustainable Development, 13(3): 113-127.
・Kandel, S., Harada, K., Adhikari, S., Dahal, NK., Dhakal, M. (2020) Local perceptions of forest rules and interactions between rules, ecotourism, and human-wildlife conflicts: Evidence from Chitwan National Park, Nepal, TROPICS 29(1): 25-39.
・Inoue, M., Harada, K., Yokota, Y. and Mohammed (Eds.) (2021) Participatory Forest Management in a New Era: Integration of rural development and climate policies. University of Tokyo Press. (I wrote chapter 5, 6, 9 and conclusion as a first author associated with faitrade coffee, forest certification and REDD+ issues in Indonesia)
・Harada, K., Prabowo, D., Aliadi, A., Ichihara, J. Ma, H.O. (2015) How can social safeguards of REDD+ function effectively to conserve forests and improve local livelihoods? A case from Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia. Land, 4: 119-139.
・Yokota, Y., Harada, K., Oktalina, S.N., Rohman, Wiyono, Tanaka, M. and Inoue, M. (2014) Contribution to participant's livelihood by community collaborative forest management system in Java,
Indonesia- A case study in Madiun. East Java. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 48(3): 363-377.
・Harada,K. and Wiyono (2014) Certification of a community- based forest enterprise for improving institutional management and household income: A case from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, Small-scale
Forestry, 13(1): 47-64.
・Harada, K., Rohman, Silvi, N. O., Wiyono (2012) Exploring potentials of forest
certification for community-based forest management in Indonesia. Journal of Forest Economics, 58(1): 58-67.
・Ratsimbazafy, L. C., Harada,K. and Yamamura, M. (2012) Forest resources use, attitude, and perception of local residents towards community based
forest management: Case of the Makira Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Project, Madagascar. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment, 4(13):
・Harada, K., Wiyono, Silvi, N. O. and Rohman (2011) Forest certification for
community-based forest management as an option for rediscovering community forest in Indonesia. 80-102. The International Conference on Forest Related Traditional Knowledge and Culture in
Asia. November 23-26, 2011, Seogwipo, Jeju Islands, Korea
Proceeding of
International Conference.pdf
・Ratsimbazafy, L. C., Harada,K. and Yamamura, M. (2011) Forest conservaton and livelihood conflict in REDD: A case
study from the corridor Ankeniheny Zahamena REDD project, Madagascar. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 3(12): 618-630.
・Alam, M., Furukawa, Y. Harada, K. (2009) Agroforestry as a sustainable landuse option in degraded tropical forests: a study from
Bangladesh, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 12(2):
・Yokota, Y., Harada, K., Oktalina, S. N. Rohman, Putro, W. T.
(2009) Participatory approach in teak forest management in Indonesia: A case study in Madiun, East Java, 87-93, JIRCAS Working Report No. 60.
・Schyvens, H. Harada, K.,Lopez-Casero, F. (2008) Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation in Developing Countries: Risks and Opportunities for Rural Communities in the Asia-Pacific Region, pp.79-104, Second IGES White Paper Climate Change Policies in the
Asia-Pacific: Re-uniting Climate Change and Sustainable Development
・Scheyvens, H., Harada, K., Hyakumura, K. (2007) Incorporating certification into a pro-poor forestry agenda: Lessons from and options for the Asia-Pacific Region, 1-23, Proceedings:
International Conference on Poverty Reduction and Forests-Tenure, Market and Policy Reforms, Bangkok, 3-7, September 2007.
・Harada, K., Yokota, Y. Tachibana, S. (2006) Social aspects of CDM in forestry - lessons from two feasibility studies in
Indonesia, Climate Change and Forest Sector - Clean Development Mechanism in Asia Tropical Countries, 167-190, South Korea: Korean Studies Information Co. Ltd.
Nanang, M., Hyakumura, K.,Harada, K., Inoue, M. (2006)
Patterns of Behavior in Local Forest management: Case Studies from Indonesia and Laos. Socio-Humanities, 1 (1): 55-65.
・Harada, K. (2006) From coercion to collaboration: participatory forest management in
Indonesia, ASIAVIEW, 15-16, Perth: Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University
・Harada, K. (2005) Local perspectives in protected area
management, The State of Environment in Asia 2004/05 ed. Japan Environment Council, 263-268
・Harada, K. (2005)Local use of agricultural lands and natural resources as the commons
in Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, Indonesia, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 12: 34-47
・Harada, K., Mogea, J. P., Rahayu, M. (2005)Diversity,
conservation, local knowledge of rattans and sugarpalm in Gunung Halimun National Park, Indonesia, Journal of the International Palm Society 49(1):
・Harada, K. (2004) Social aspects of CDM in forestry-focused on the
results of feasibility studies in Indonesia, 57-67, International Workshop on Climate Change and Forest Sector: Clean Development Mechanism in Tropical Countries, Seoul, Korea, 21-23,
September, 2004
・Rahayu, M., Harada, K. (2004) Peran tumbuhan dalam kehidupan tradisional masyarakat
lokal di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Jawa Barat (The role of plants for the traditional livelihoods of local people in Gunung Halimun National Park, Berita
Biology 7(1,2): 17-23
・Harada, K. (2004) Dependency of local people on the forests of Gunung Halimun National
Park, West Java, Indonesia, TROPICS 13(3): 161-185
・Nanang, M., Hyakumura, K., Harada, K., Inoue, M. (2003)
Participation on the ground: some case studies on the forest policy implementation in Indonesia and Laos, 27-35, The 12th Bio-Refor Workshop on Ecological Approach for
Productivity and Sustainability of Forests, Gajah Mada University, Jogjyakarta 15-16 December 2003
・Harada, K. (2003)Attitudes of local people towards conservation and Gunung Halimun National Park in West Java, Indonesia, Journal of
Forest Research 8: 271-282
・Harada, K. (2003) Policy of protected areas and local use of forest resources in
Indonesia: a case study of a National Park in West Java, People and Forest in Southeast Asia, Fareast Russia, and Japan: Forest Policy and Local Reality ed. M. Inoue
and H. Isozaki, 231-247, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
・Harada, K. (2003)
Protected area, The State of the Environment in Asia 2002/2003 ed. Japan Environment Council, 255-260, Tokyo, Springer
・ Harada, K. (2001) A trial of environmental education and the
strategy for supporting systems in the protected area in Indonesia, 34-47, The Fifth UNESCO/Japan Seminar on Environmental Education in Asia-Pacific Region, November 20-22, Tokyo,
Selected Presentations
・Harada, K., Aliadi, A., Ma, HO. (2014) Collaborative forest management with effective REDD+ social safeguards: An experience from a national park in East Java, Indonesia, The XXIV IUFRO World Congress, October, 2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
・Harada, K., Aliadi, A., Ma, HO. (2014) Collaborative forest management with social safeguards: Lessons from a REDD+ project in a national park in Indonesia, REDD+ Symposium Carbon Emission Reduction and Removals in Tropical Forests, Feb. 22-23, 2014, University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan.
・Harada, K. (2013) Collaborative forest management with local people in REDD+ project: A case of national park in Indonesia, REDD+ Safeguards: Fundamental; not an add-on, June, 15-16, 2013, International House of Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
・Harada, K., Wiyono, Silvi, N. O. and Rohman (2011) Forest certification for community-based forest management as an option for rediscovering community forest in Indonesia. The International Conference on Forest Related Traditional Knowledge and Culture in Asia. November 23-26, 2011, Seogwipo, Jeju Islands, Korea Proceeding of International Conference.pdf
・Ratsimbazafy, L. C. and Harada,
K. (2011) Implementing global environmental policy at local level The perspectives of REDD
implementation: A case from Madagascar. Poster presentation, Hyogo-Curtin Collaboration Seminar 2011, 5, August, 2011, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
・Yoshikawa, C. and Harada, K.
(2011) Perspectives and realities of forest CSR activities: A case of 'Hyogo
Forest-making Project Commission', Poster presentation, Hyogo-Curtin Collaboration Seminar 2011, 5, August, 2011, 5, August, 2011, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
・Harada, K. (2011) Betweeen global regulatory frameworks for climate change mitigation and local
initiatives for forest management: Cases of national parks, forest certification and fair trade coffee in Indonesia. Hyogo-Curtin Collaboration Seminar 2011. 5, August, 2011, Curtin
University, Perth, Australia.
・Ratsimbazafy, L. C., Harada, K., Yamamura, M. (2010) Community forest management as building block of REDD Madagascar: Risks and opportunities for community livelihood. The 2010 International Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation“Tropical Biodiversity: Surviving the Food, Energy and Climate Crisis”, 19-23, July, Bali, Indonesia.
・Harada, K. Rohman, Silvi, Wiyono (2010) Forest certification for smallholder forestry as an option for poverty alleviation: Lessons from two cases in Indonesia. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Forests for the Future; Sustaining Society and the Environment, 23-29 August 2010, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
・Harada, K. (2009) From biodiversity
conservation to climate change mitigation: Can REDD save communities in protected areas? Symposium on Communities’ Responses to Climate Change Integrating Scientific Knowledge and Grass Root
Experiences-United Nations, ISP, GEIC
Harada, K., Hyakumura, K., Schyvens, H. (2007) Certification of community-based forest management in the Asia-Pacific region, Poster Presentation, International Conference on Poverty Reduction and Forests Tenure, Market and Policy Reforms, 3-7, September, Bangkok Thailand.
・Harada, K. (2006) A new paradigm of participatory forest management in State Forestry Enterprise in Madiun, East Java, Indonesia, ASIA RECONSTRUCTED from critiques of development to postcolonial studies, The 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, University of Wollongong, 26-29, June, 2006.
・Harada, K. (2006) From coercion to collaboration: participatory forest management in Indonesia, A Public Seminar for the School of Resources, Environment and Society, Australian National University.
・Harada, K. (2006) From coercion to collaboration: participatory forest management in Indonesia, A Public Seminar for Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University.
・Harada, K., Yokota, Y., Oktalina, S. N., Rohman, Putro, W. T. (2005) Paradigm shift of tumpansari system towards local involvement in Madiun, East Java, Indonesia, Poster Presentation, XX IUFRO WORLD CONGRESS, 8-13, August , Brisbane Australia
・Harada, K.(2004)Social aspect of CDM in forestry-focused on the results of feasibility studies in Indonesia, International Workshop on Climate Change and Forest Sector: Clean Development Mechanism in Tropical Countries, Seoul, Korea, 21-23, September
・Harada, K. (2001) A trial of environmental education and the strategy for supporting systems in the protected area in Indonesia, The Fifth UNESCO/Japan Seminar on Environmental Education in Asia-Pacific Region, November 20-22, Tokyo
・Harada, K. (2000) Environmental
education for local people in Gunung Halimun National Park in Indonesia, The Common Agenda Roundtable-Environmental Education in Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 31 October-5 November, 2000