Forests in the world have been decreasing rapidly, followed by serious global warming from greenhouse effect gas (GHG) and impacts on livelihoods of forest-dependent people. In Japan, abandoned
forests should be adequately managed and sustained rural villagesin the aging population.
Our researches investigate sound relationships between global policy issues as climate change/forest conservation and increase of local livelihoods in tropical countries as Southeast Asia, and
development of rural livelihoods ithrough effective use of wood production and biomass resources in Japan.
Research topics
Relationships between forests and people in tropical forests, Southeast and South Asian counrtries
-Collaborative forest management in protected areas, especially National Park with governments and local people
-Certification schemes, including forest certification, fair trade coffee, oil palm plantation
-Participatory forest management
Relationships between forests and people in forests, Japan
-Working safety and technical training in forest operations
-Artificial forest management with conserving biodiversity
-Ergonomic research for sustainable forest management
Research outputs and alumni: click here